In addition to the import commands on the File menu, a drag and drop import shortcut is available for most file formats. Click the file to import and drag it into a window where a Vectorworks document is open.
Drag and drop importing is supported for the following file types:
● 3DS (.3ds) |
● DXF/DWG (.dxf, .dwg) |
● EPSF (.eps) |
● IFC (.ifc, .ifcxml, .ifczip) |
● IGES (.igs) |
● Image files (various file extensions) |
● Metafile (.emf, Windows only) |
● Parasolid (.x_t) |
● PDF (.pdf) |
● PICT (.pct, .pict) |
● SAT (.sat) |
● Shapefile (.shp) |
● SketchUp (.skp) |
The imported objects will be centered on the drop point, except for the following file types: DXF/DWG, IFC, Shapefile, and SketchUp.