The gbXML file format transmits building information for energy analysis.
Valid Vectorworks Architect objects that are included in gbXML export are spaces, walls, slabs, windows, doors, columns, and roofs. Geo-referenced site location, if any, is included. The model must have a structure with stories, even if the model is very simple with only one design layer per story. Columns to be included in the export must be along the periphery of a space; columns totally within or outside of a space are not considered. All space objects must be fully enclosed by walls, slabs, and/or roof elements, and there should be a full-floor boundary for each story in the building. The Place Spaces command makes this simple; it places the required spaces automatically and ensures that they properly touch their bounding objects.
The model can include shading surfaces (overhangs, awnings, or other surfaces, including walls roofs, and slabs, that do not bound a space and lie outside the bounds of the model).
For best results, before exporting, simplify the model so that only objects that affect energy consumption are visible. Eliminate, or make invisible, items that do not contribute to the energy profile of the building, such as unnecessary geometric detail, furniture, and fixtures. (Note that spaces in invisible classes are ignored.)
For export, the model must contain space objects, which represent the essential organizational elements for gbXML exchange. Spaces must be contained by walls, slabs, and roofs. If the model does not contain space objects for each enclosed area and the full floor of each story, the Place Spaces command creates the necessary spaces for export, with full boundaries on all sides so that the exporter can properly determine the space volume.
To create spaces optimized for gbXML export:
1. Select AEC > gbXML > Place Spaces.
The Place Spaces dialog box opens.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
2. Click OK to place the spaces automatically.
To export a gbXML-compliant model:
1. Select AEC > gbXML >Export gbXML.
The Export gbXML dialog box opens.
2. Enter the average ground level for the project, and then click OK.
3. The gbXML Save File dialog box opens. Type a file name, select a location to save the file, and then click Save.
If the file did not meet the requirements for successful gbXML export, you are notified by alert dialog boxes.