Renderworks00056.pngCustom Renderworks Options

Custom render settings provide greater control over fine-quality rendering. These settings are used exclusively by the Custom Renderworks rendering mode. Custom geometry settings override the 3D conversion resolution setting on the 3D tab in Vectorworks preferences. These settings apply only to the current drawing and remain in effect in the current drawing until the settings are changed. In addition, the settings are saved when creating templates (see Creating Templates).

To set Custom Renderworks rendering options:

1. Select View > Rendering > Custom Renderworks Options.

The Custom Renderworks Options dialog box opens. The default options match Fast Renderworks rendering mode.

When testing a rendering, set the Quality levels to low and turn Anti-Aliasing and even Shadows off. Lower rendering quality is offset by faster rendering times.

To create a “white card” or white model rendering, turn off textures and colors.

2. Click OK to set the Custom Render options.


Renderworks Rendering Modes

Setting Lighting Options