ArchLand.pngUsing Wall Styles

Unstyled walls can be used in the Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products. The attributes of an unstyled wall can be changed from the Attributes palette. The use of wall styles, however, facilitates drawing walls by saving the wall preferences settings so that they can be easily selected as the default style when drawing new walls, or so that they can be applied to existing walls. Wall styles are resources that can be imported into other files and shared as office standards.

A wall style contains a significant amount of information:

     Wall composition and structure (components for standard walls, and frames and panels for curtain walls)

     Insertion options (height constraints, caps, classing)

     Wall attributes (fill, pen, line weight, classing, texture resources (Renderworks required), hatch resources)

     Vertical wall constraints (by layer elevation, layer wall height or, for the Vectorworks Architect program, story layer levels)

     Component constraints, for standard walls

     Other non-geometric data (wall style name, thermal data, product data, and so on)

Because a wall style contains so much information, it can be time-consuming to create one from scratch. However, a variety of wall styles are provided as default content (default content is automatically imported into the current file at the point of use and displays in the Resource Browser; see Resource Libraries).

Depending on how you use wall styles and which product is in use, usually only one type of wall style, simple or constrained, is needed. Wall styles provided by the Wall or Round Wall tool in a blank file are simple wall styles that use the conventional method of determining the top and bottom wall height according to the layer elevation or layer wall height. However, constrained wall styles are provided in templates named with a BIM prefix; these are available for Vectorworks Architect users from the Use document template list in the Create Document dialog box. These wall styles are constrained to the story level settings in those templates, and they provide additional wall detail, accuracy, and flexibility. More information on using wall styles and story levels with BIM is available for drawings set up with metric units and with imperial units.

A selected wall can be converted to an unstyled wall by selecting Convert to Unstyled Wall from the Style list in the Object Info palette. The component settings of unstyled walls can be edited by clicking Components from the Object Info palette. When a wall becomes unstyled, it loses all its non-geometric data. An unstyled wall’s properties can be converted into a new wall style with a right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac) on the wall; select New Wall Style from Unstyled Wall.

The insertion options of a styled wall (including wall height, constraints, class, and caps) are properties that can be changed from the Object Info palette without requiring a new style definition.

Unused wall styles can be purged; see Purging Items from a File.


Resource Libraries

Creating Wall Styles

Editing Wall Styles

Applying Wall Styles

Replacing Wall Styles

Creating Walls

Setting Up the Building Structure with Stories