Arch00014.pngWorking with Project Preference Sets

In most cases, the default project preference set (VA Defaults) is the only set needed. If additional sets of records and schedules are needed, create a new set of preferences and select that set before setting up a new drawing file.

A project preference set is a grouped configuration of record and schedule information that is used by a drawing file. A project preference set can be customized for particular projects (residential or commercial, for example) or different types of clients (restaurant or retail store, for example). These custom configurations are saved in external text files. The VA Set Project Prefs command assigns which set of external files to use within the current drawing. The settings files used by these commands, taken together, are called a “project preference set.” Dialog boxes in the Vectorworks Architect product’s Record and Schedule management suite display the name of the current preference set in the title bar.

Because the preference sets are stored as external files, they can be shared among many users to comply with office standards. The preference set folders can be copied to the same location for each user, or shared on a network location. Either select the VA Set Project Prefs command to designate the preference set location, or copy the following text file to each computer from the Vectorworks application folder:


Arch00015.pngSelecting a Project Preference Set

The default preference set is named “VA Defaults,” and its files are located in the Vectorworks application folder: [Vectorworks]\Plug-Ins\VW_Arch\Data\Prefs_Def.

To use a different project preference set, select it when setting up the file. The preference set selection is saved with the file. Changes to VA Records and Schedules are saved in the currently selected project preference set.

When using template files for different types of projects, make a preference set selection before saving the template.

To select a project preference set:

  1. Select Tools > Options > VA Set Project Prefs.

  2. The VA Preference Sets dialog box opens. The listed sets are available for use in the file.

  3. Select the project preference set to activate.

  4. Click Done.

The selection “VA Defaults” cannot be deleted or edited; it contains the information that is used if no project preference set is designated or if there is an error finding the designated set.

Arch00016.pngCreating a New Project Preference Set

While the Vectorworks Architect product installs with six project preference sets, it supports the use of an unlimited number. To add preference sets beyond the default options, manually create additional preference folders and then add the set to the list of defined sets using the VA Set Project Prefs command.

The project preference set folder must contain the files for correct operation:

    Equipment Record.txt

    Equipment Schedule.txt

    Plumbing Fixt Record.txt

    Plumbing Schedule.txt

    V2 Records and Schedules.txt


If additional records and schedules are defined using the VA Records and Schedules command, their data files are stored in the project preference set folder.

Adding a Project Preference Set

After creating a project preference set, add it to the list of project preference sets available:

  1. Select Tools > Options > VA Set Project Prefs.

  2. The VA Preference Sets dialog box opens. Click Add.

  3. The Add Preference Set dialog box opens. Specify the name and location of the project preference set.

  4. Click OK to return to the VA Preference Sets dialog box. To use the new project preference set, select it from the list and click Done.

Arch00017.pngProject Preference Set Files

The following table lists the files contained in a preference set folder by default, and the menu commands that use those preference files. A description of the information stored in each preference file is also provided.

Preference File
Used By
Information Stored

Equipment Record.txt

VA Create Record

Format and default values of record

Equipment Schedule.txt

VA Create Schedule, VA Records and Schedules

Format of schedule

Plumbing Fixt Record.txt

VA Create Schedule

Format and default values of record

Plumbing Schedule.txt

VA Create Schedule, VA Records and Schedules

Format of schedule

VA2 Records and Schedules.txt

VA Records and Schedules

Format of records and schedules, and default values of records


Utility file for VA to ensure that the folder has not been moved


Taken together, these files constitute a preference set; they must all be present in the folder of the “current preference set.”

The Vectorworks Architect product provides six predefined preference sets in the application folder.


VA Defaults












By default, all of these folders are “read-only” (Windows) or “locked” (Mac) to prevent users from making changes. You can customize (or remove) the Prefs_01 through 05 folders, and also add your own folders. Do not change the Prefs_Def folder in any way.

To create a new folder, simply copy one of the existing folders to a new location. Select Tools > Options > VA Set Project Prefs to specify the location of the new folder. The folder location is not restricted. In a workgroup environment, locating the folder on the network makes the same project preference set available to everyone.


Records and Schedules