Screen Resolution

The Vectorworks application supports high resolution monitors, including Mac Retina® displays. This not only displays crisp, appropriately sized images, but also allows accurate 1:1 scale measurements and line weights to display on screen.

When the Vectorworks application is open across display devices with different resolutions, the following rules apply:

    multiple document windows open on different devices will each display appropriately for the resolution of the screen on which it displays

    documents that span multiple devices display at the resolution appropriate for the screen on which the majority of the document displays

    documents that are mirrored on multiple displays display at the resolution of the lowest-resolution device

On the Mac, to force the software to open in low resolution, for instance to speed up rendering updates while drawing, before opening the Vectorworks application, Ctrl-click the application icon and select Get Info. Select Open in Low Resolution. This setting persists across sessions until it is changed.