DesignSeries00015.pngIFC Data Mapping Expressions

IFC mapping formulas calculate and display the values of certain property set parameters, mapping BIM data to IFC-compliant data. Custom mapping can be created and used for custom property sets.

Mapping and associated formulas display in the IFC Data dialog box; formulas can be mapped and edited from the IFC Data Mapping dialog box.

    In the IFC Data dialog box, the existing mapping displays in the Data Source parameter of the selected property (see Assigning IFC Data to Objects).

    In the IFC Data Mapping dialog box, the mapping formulas of the selected data sets of an object are displayed on the right portion of the dialog box (see Creating or Editing a Data Mapping Formula). These mapping formulas can be created or edited from the Define Mapping dialog box, which is accessed by clicking Define Mapping.

Viewing the default data mapping formulas in the IFC Data Mapping dialog box helps you understand the data source of the mapped IFC values. Expressions can be used to customize the automatic data mapping formulas.The results of the expression calculations are assigned to the Data Source parameter.

Each formula consists of one or more expressions from the following list. The expressions are described in more detail in the rest of this section.



Types of data, such as integers, Boolean constants, numbers, and text constants

Fixed values

Text strings, numerical and logical values, and so on


Addition, subtraction, comparison, and so on


Vectorworks data sources, such as object parameters, style information, class name


Mathematical functions, string manipulations, conditional functions, and more


Method of adding alternative data mapping, if the previous one yields an empty value


Constants are written as follows.



Values are used for Boolean parameters, and are either true or false, written as string constants enclosed within apostrophes




Positive or negative numbers and 0, written as numbers with no decimal point or apostrophes



Rational number

Real number values, written as a number with a decimal point and no apostrophes





String values enclosed within apostrophes

‘Unstyled Wall’




The supported operators are listed.



Unary Plus


Unary Minus


Binary Plus, Addition, Concatenation


Binary Minus, Subtraction






Logical EQUALS 


Logical NOT 


Logical OR 


Logical AND 


Logical NOT EQUAL 


Greater than


Less than


Greater than or equal


Less than or equal


Variables represent sources of data from Vectorworks. They can be combined with constants, function results, and other variables by using operators. The variable type (name) is the same as that of the data source type. Variables are enclosed by square brackets, since spaces are permitted in the name.

The supported variables are listed.


Parameters from an object



[Object.Column ID]

[Object.Struct Type]

Vectorworks name



Record field data from a record format


If a record by that name is not attached to the object, then the default value of the record field is taken as the value of the variable.


[Record.Plant Record.Latin Name]

Data from style


Currently supported data fields are: Name (the name of the style), Mark, Function, Description, Exterior (Boolean), Load-Bearing (Boolean), Fire Rating, Combustible Construction (Boolean), Compartmentation (Boolean), U-Value, Acoustic Rating, Cost Index System, Cost Index Code, Model, Manufacturer.



[Style.Fire Rating]

Class name



Layer name




The supported functions are listed.


PI ( )

Returns the number pi.png

SIN (radians)

Returns the sine

COS (radians)

Returns the cosine

ABS (number)

Returns the absolute value

SQRT (number)

Returns the square root

LEFT (text, index)

Returns the left-side of the string, split by position index (0 is the position of the first character). Returns an empty string if the index value is incorrect.

RIGHT (text, index)

Returns the right-side of the string, split by position index (0 is the position of the first character). Returns an empty string if the index value is incorrect.

MID (text, index, count)

Returns the right-side of the string, split by position index (0 is the position of the first character) and having a count of characters. Returns an empty string if the index or count values are incorrect.

FIND (text, subtext)

Returns the zero-based position of subtext in text, if found, or -1 if not found

IF (logical_expression, value_expression1, value_expression2)

Calculates logical_expression and returns the calculated value of value_expression1, if TRUE, or value of the value_expression2, otherwise

SELECT1 (number_expression, value_expression1, value_expression2, …, value_expressionN)

Calculates number_expression and returns the calculated value of value_expression1, if the result is 0, value of the value_expression2, if the result is 1 and so on. Returns the value of the last expression, if the result is bigger than N-1. The number of the function parameters must be 3 or more.

SELECT2 (logical_expression1, value_expression1, logical_expression2, value_expression2, …, logical_expressionN, value_expressionN)

Calculates the first logical expression and returns the calculated value of value_expression1, if the result is TRUE; otherwise, continues with the next logical expression and value expression pair. The number of the function parameters must be even, and greater than 2.


IFC Data Mapping Examples

Creating or Editing a Data Mapping Formula

Managing IFC Data Mapping

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