Spot00025.pngCreating an Instrument Summary for a Lighting Position

An instrument summary can be created for a lighting position rather than for the entire drawing.

To create an instrument summary for a selected lighting position:

  1. Select the lighting position.

  2. From the Object Info palette, click Insert Position Summary.

  3. A position summary is added next to the lighting position.

If a summary build list has never been specified in the file, a placeholder labeled Build List is placed instead, indicating that a build list has not yet been specified in the file and needs to be set.

The position summary uses the Summary Defaults for parameters for a position, as set up in the instrument summary settings, and the summary is filtered for the current lighting position. As instruments are added to the position, click Insert Position Summary to add the instruments to the end of the summary. To change specific instrument summary parameters, select the instrument summary and edit the parameters in the Object Info palette as described in Creating an Instrument Summary.

If you delete a lighting position, the associated instrument summary is also deleted.


Inserting Lighting Positions

Creating an Instrument Summary

Filtering Instrument Summary Contents

Creating Instrument Summaries

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