Pasting Text

To move text between Vectorworks files, select Edit > Copy, and then Edit > Paste. Text is added exactly as copied, including any formatting. If you define a text block before pasting, the text pasted into the block is wrapped to fit within the text block. If the scale of the original layer and the new layer are different, the text size changes accordingly; for example, if you copy 16 point text from a 1:1 layer and paste it to a 4:1 layer, the text changes to 4 points. This also means that any styled text you paste to a different layer scale becomes un-styled; reapply the text style to restore the proper text size.

When you paste text from a different program, click the drawing using the Text tool first. If you paste text without first establishing an insertion point, each line of text is brought in as an individual text block. Embedded graphics are not supported and are removed when the text block is pasted into the Vectorworks file. In addition, multi-aligned text is converted to the current default alignment.

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