Reshaping NURBS Curves


Tool set




The Reshape tool can manipulate and reshape NURBS curves.

To reshape NURBS curves:

  1. Select the NURBS curve to reshape. To reshape multiple vertices, the curve must be a single, smooth continuous NURBS curve.

  2. Click the tool.

  3. Click the mode from the Tool bar.




    Move Vertex

    Changes the location of a vertex or several vertices

    Add Vertex

    Adds a vertex to the NURBS curve

    Delete Vertex

    Deletes a vertex from the NURBS curve

    Change Vertex

    Toggles an existing vertex between a corner vertex and smooth vertex

    Working Plane Constrain

    Moves the selected vertex or vertices on a working plane

    X-axis constrain

    Moves the selected vertex or vertices along the X axis

    Y-axis constrain

    Moves the selected vertex or vertices along the Y axis

    Z-axis constrain

    Moves the selected vertex or vertices along the Z axis

  4. Select a vertex. When the cursor is over a vertex, the standard arrow cursor changes to an unfilled, four-way arrow.

  5. Alternatively, to select several vertices at one time in Move Vertex mode, click with the Shift key pressed or click and drag to create a marquee around the desired vertices. Position the cursor over one of the vertices.


  6. Reshape the NURBS curve.

        In Move Vertex mode, click-drag the mouse to move the vertex or vertices. The selected constraint mode restricts the movement to the working plane or to one of the axes. Release the mouse at the desired location.

Alternatively, enter the exact coordinates in the Data bar. Press the Tab key, enter the coordinates, and then press Enter.

        To add a vertex in Add Vertex mode, move the cursor to an existing vertex near the location where the new vertex is to be added. The cursor becomes an arrow with two black diamonds when a vertex can be added. Drag the cursor to the desired location for the new vertex. Click at the new location.

        To delete a vertex in Delete Vertex mode, click the vertex to delete.

        Toggle the vertex between a corner vertex and a smooth vertex by clicking on the vertex in Change Vertex mode.

Functionality similar to the Reshape tool is available from the Object Info palette Shape tab; see Editing Vertex-Based Objects.


Creating NURBS Curves

Reshaping Objects


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