Land00152.pngPlacing Station Points Along the Road Polyline


Workspace: Path

Station on Polyline

        Designer: AEC > Roads

        Landmark: Landmark > Roads

The Vectorworks Landmark product places station points (stake objects) along the selected polyline at a specified interval.

To place station points:

  1. Select the polyline, and then select the command.

  2. The Place Station Points Along Polyline dialog box opens. This command places stations at 100’ (or 30.48 m) intervals. In addition, partial station points can be placed at smaller intervals. Enter the interval between partial stations and select a labeling option for the curve information.

  3. The first time you use the command in a file, a properties dialog box opens. Set the default properties. The properties can be edited from the Object Info palette. Stake properties are described in Inserting Stake Objects.

    Each station point is labeled. If curve data tables were created, they can be selected and moved if necessary.


  4. The stakes have all been set to the elevation of the site model; the next step is to automatically set the road stake elevations as described in Setting Stake Elevations .


Inserting Stake Objects

Creating the Road Centerline

Setting Stake Elevations

Creating the Road


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