Linking the Camera View to a Sheet Layer Viewport



Create Viewport


The view of a sheet layer viewport can be controlled by a Renderworks camera. Establish the view with the Renderworks camera on the design layer, and then create a sheet layer viewport linked to the camera. The camera view can be edited from the viewport.

Renderworks cameras cannot be linked to section viewports.

To link a Renderworks camera to a sheet layer viewport:

  1. Create and adjust the Renderworks camera as described in Placing a Camera View. A camera linked to a viewport can be in perspective or orthogonal projection.

  2. Select the Renderworks camera, and then select the command.

  3. An alert dialog box asks whether the camera should be used for the viewport’s view. Select Yes (click Always do the selected action to always use a selected Renderworks camera for the view when creating viewports).

  4. The Create Viewport dialog box opens. Enter a viewport name and drawing title, and select the sheet layer to place it on. The view and projection parameters are set by the camera, and therefore are grayed; the camera’s render mode does not affect the viewport’s render mode. Change other parameters as needed (see Creating a Sheet Layer Viewport from a Design Layer).

The viewport is created on the specified sheet layer, with its view, projection, and perspective distance set to that of the Renderworks camera. In the Object Info palette, the RW Camera status changes to Yes.

The camera becomes part of the viewport and can be edited (or deleted), changing the viewport’s view parameters, by editing the camera through the viewport. An existing sheet layer viewport can also be linked to a Renderworks camera. See Editing a Linked Renderworks Camera.


Placing a Camera View

Adjusting the Camera View

Editing a Linked Renderworks Camera

Creating a Sheet Layer Viewport from a Design Layer

Editing a Design Layer Displayed in a Viewport


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