Exporting in IGES format



Export IGES (3D only)

File > Export

The Export IGES (3D only) command exports 3D curves, surfaces, and solids from a Vectorworks file into IGES format (version 5.3). Closed solids are exported as solids, while open solids are exported as a collection of surfaces. Objects that export to IGES include:

3D loci

NURBS curves and surfaces

3D polygons


3D symbols



Architectural objects (wall/slab/column/stair)


CSG solids (add/subtract/intersect/section)


Extrudes and multiple extrudes

Parametric objects

Solids (sphere/cone/hemisphere)

To export an IGES file:

1.      Select the command.

The Export Options dialog box opens.

2.      Select Export Solid as Trimmed Surfaces to export a solid as several different “bodies” (for example, a cube exports as six bodies); otherwise, a solid is exported as a single body.

3.      Specify the export file name and destination.

Export item

Export result

NURBS curve

IGES Entity Type 126

NURBS surface

IGES Entity Type 128

Trimmed NURBS surface

IGES Entity Type 144

Closed solid

IGES Entity Type 186


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