Spot00012.pngExporting instrument data



Export Instrument Data

File > Export

Vectorworks Spotlight instrument data (including accessory, power, and position information) can be exported to an external file. The resulting file can then be opened by a spreadsheet or database program, and is compatible with Lightwright.

All instrument and accessory data from the current light plot are exported. Individual instruments cannot be selected for export.

To export instrument data:

1.      Select the command.

The Export Instrument Data dialog box opens.

The Unique ID field (UID) is not in the list, but is automatically exported. This field is required to re-import data.

2.      Select the desired parameters.

3.      Specify the export file name and destination.

4.      The selected instrument data is exported to the file in tab-delimited format. Import the file as tab-delimited into the other program.


Exporting Vectorworks Spotlight data

Spotlight preferences: Lightwright pane


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