Use the Data tab on the Object Info palette to edit the record formats and data attached to specific drawing objects.
● When one or more objects are selected, this information applies to the selected objects only.
● If no objects are selected, “Document Record Format Defaults” displays at the top of the Data tab. Edits to the fields change the default values displayed when the record is first attached to a drawing object. No existing objects are affected.
To edit object data:
1. Select one or more objects.
2. Select the Data tab from the Object Info palette.
3. Do one of the following:
● Data sheets (Vectorworks Design Series required) allow you to enter a specific set of data without seeing all the fields attached to an object. If there are sheets defined for the objects, you can select a Data Sheet and use the sheet’s fields for data entry. If the sheet was set up with field validation, an invalid entry causes the field name and value to display in red, but the entry is still accepted.
● Select <Default Settings> to access all available data for the selected objects. (<Default Settings> is the default if no data sheets are defined.) Record formats are listed above any attached IFC data. If necessary, resize the record format and record field lists by dragging the resize control below the Detach button.
to show/hide the parameters.