Modifying Dimensions

Modify dimensions by adjusting parameters in the Object Info palette or the Properties dialog box. Use commands on the object context menu to format dimension text, to delete and edit individual dimensions within a chain, to add a dimension to a single or chain linear dimension, and to disassociate dimensions from the objects to which they are linked. You can also make many common adjustments by manipulating dimensions directly with the Selection tool; see Editing Dimensions with the Mouse.

To change adjoining dimensions into a single chain dimension object, select them, and then select Modify > Compose. Similarly, to change a chain object into multiple dimensions, select the chain, and then select Modify > Decompose.

The association of any dimension with an object can be removed; however, special considerations apply when an object also has parametric constraints.


Disassociate a dimension from an object that has parametric constraints

Select the object, then right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac) and select Disassociate from the context menu

Associative Dimensioning

Disassociate specific dimensions from an object that has parametric constraints, without affecting the parametric constraints

Select the object, select Modify > Edit Constraints, and then select the associated dimensions to remove

Editing Parametric Constraints

Disassociate all of the dimensions from an object that has parametric constraints, as well as remove all of the parametric constraints

Select the object, then right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac) and select Remove Constraints from the context menu

Deleting Parametric Constraints


Editing Dimension Properties

Editing Dimensions with the Context Menu

Editing Dimensions with the Mouse