Arch00013.pngWorking with Project Preference Sets

In most cases, the default project preference set (VA Defaults) is the only set needed. If additional sets of records and schedules are needed, create a new set of preferences and select that set before setting up a new drawing file.

A project preference set is a grouped configuration of record, schedule, and library information that is used by a drawing file. A project preference set can be customized for particular projects (residential or commercial, for example) or different types of clients (restaurant or retail store, for example). Different record and schedule formats can be assigned, as well as information in room finish libraries and door hardware libraries. These custom configurations are saved in external text files. The VA Set Project Prefs command assigns which set of external files to use within the current drawing. The settings files used by these commands, taken together, are called a “project preference set.” Dialog boxes in the Vectorworks Architect product’s Record and Schedule management suite display the name of the current preference set in the title bar.

Because the preference sets are stored as external files, they can be shared among many users to comply with office standards. The preference set folders can be copied to the same location for each user, or shared on a network location. Either select the VA Set Project Prefs command to designate the preference set location, or copy the following text file to each computer:


See Project Preference Sets for information on the files contained in the preference set folders.


Selecting a Project Preference Set

Creating a New Project Preference Set