Site Modeling

ArchLand.pngSitework Overview

The sitework-related commands allow the development of complex 2D and 3D models of site terrain in the Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products. The Vectorworks Landmark product contains certain additional commands.

The source data for a site model is the 3D information used to create a representation of the existing site. The information can be in the form of 3D loci, 3D polygons, or surveyor data. The site model object created from the source data contains both 2D and 3D site information, and it can be copied to other layers and files. Special “snapshot” copies of the site model allow different forms of site model to be shown side by side.

Once generated, two forms of the site model can be displayed—the existing site model and the proposed site model. The existing site model is a direct representation of the source data, including any existing site modifications. The proposed site model is the existing site model, plus the geometric effects of proposed site modifiers, such as roads and pads. The existing and proposed site models can be displayed or hidden at creation or from the Object Info palette.

Site models use the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) method to connect input data. This method can work with data that are scattered and in clumps—they do not have to be organized in a rectangular grid. The model uses all the data, without doing approximations, to create a network of triangles. These triangles form the terrain model; the model then performs interpolation to calculate the threading of contour lines.

After generation, the site model is cached so that updating occurs more efficiently; however, large file sizes can result. See Setting Document Preferences.

To upgrade a site model from a previous version of the Vectorworks program, see Migrating from Previous Versions.


Site Model Source Data

Creating the Site Model

Setting Site Model Properties