Lighting instruments can be inserted as multi-circuit instruments that act as a group while retaining their individual parameters and labels.
As an example, a three-cell Cyc light consisting of different colors can be inserted as a single multi-circuit instrument that can be easily positioned. However, each light in the multi-circuit instrument retains its own information, which is displayed in its label legend. When generating paperwork, each cell of the instrument is listed individually. See Creating New Symbols to create a multi-circuit symbol out of instrument symbols (left, center, and right components).
The multi-circuit symbol must consist only of other symbols to be properly inserted as a multi-circuit instrument. Otherwise, the Lighting Instrument tool treats it as a single circuit instrument.
The Spotlight > Object Conversion > Convert to MultiCircuit command is an available workflow, but it is not required when inserting multi-circuit instruments.
To insert a multi-circuit instrument:
Click the Lighting Instrument tool from the Spotlight tool set and select the multi-circuit Instrument symbol to place from the list on the Tool bar. The files and folders available in the current document and in the libraries are listed on the left. Select a file to display thumbnails of the instruments available in that location, and select the desired multi-circuit instrument.
The Files list displays content located in the Vectorworks application and user folders below. Verify the file path if the expected content does not display.
[Vectorworks]\Libraries\Defaults\Lighting Instrument - Symbols
[Vectorworks or User]\Libraries\Objects - Entertainment Lighting
Alternatively, from the Resource Browser either double-click the multi-circuit instrument symbol to insert or select the instrument symbol and choose Make Active from the Resources menu to make it the active symbol definition. The Lighting Instrument tool is automatically selected.
Click once to insert the selected multi-circuit instrument symbol definition, and then again to determine the multi-circuit instrument rotation. By default, the active Label Legend is applied to each part of the multi-circuit instrument. The multi-circuit instrument is numbered according to the lighting position settings.
The Spotlight > Object Conversion > Convert to MultiCircuit command can add a selected instrument to the multi-circuit instrument. To undo a conversion to a multi-circuit instrument, select the multi-circuit instrument and then the Convert to MultiCircuit command.