Editing 3D Object Surfaces

The 3D editing commands are similar to the 2D Add or Clip Surface commands, but for 3D objects. For 3D objects, the editing commands are: Intersect Solids, Add Solids, Subtract Solids, and Section Solids. Each of these commands has an equivalent context menu command accessed by a Ctrl-click (Mac) or right-click (Windows).

Intersect Solids creates a single model from the volume created where two or more 3D objects intersect. Add Solids joins two or more 3D objects into a single model. Subtract Solids cuts (subtracts) a 3D object or objects from another 3D object, creating a new model. Section Solids discards a portion of solids or NURBS surfaces, allowing the creation of planar or stepped sections through a solid or surface.

These commands work with the following solid objects: extrudes, multiple extrudes, straight walls, sweeps, meshes, subdivisions, solid primitives (cylinders, hemispheres, spheres, and cones), and objects created using the 3D Polygon, Extruded Polygon, and Extruded Rectangle tool, provided the following applicable conditions are met.



Cannot contain lines, or be swept around a locus which is between the left and right bounds of the swept 2D primitive; if not swept around a locus, should have a vertical segment on the left edge

Helical Sweep

Must be swept around a locus outside the left and right bounds of the object

Multiple Extrude

Must have planar polygons


Cannot have interpenetrating polygons; every edge of every polygon in the mesh must be shared with one other polygon


Must not have symbols that extend above the top or below the bottom of the wall

2D objects must have a fill applied prior to being converted to 3D to be considered a solid object. If the converted 3D object did not have a fill applied prior to conversion, it can be added using the Enter Group command to return to the original 2D object.


Add Solids

Intersect Solids

Subtract Solids

Section Solids

Editing 2D Object Surfaces

