Finding Resources

There are three ways to quickly access specific resources through the Resource Browser:

    Use the Resource Browser’s incremental name search feature to locate and select a resource that is already in the document.

    Use the Resource Browser’s Find Resource command to search for a specific resource name in the current file or in another file in a specified file path. When the resource is found, it can be selected from the Resource Browser.

    Find an instance of the resource in the drawing, and then Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac) and select Locate in Resource Browser from the context menu to select the resource in the Resource Browser.

Incremental Search

To quickly access a resource that is already in the document, click on the resource display window and begin to type the resource’s name. The resource display window scrolls to the first resource or folder that begins with the letters you entered. The resource type (such as Textures or Worksheets) must be shown in the browser window to be part of the search. If the resource is in a folder, select the folder from the File folder list first.

Finding a Resource

Use the Find Resource command to quickly locate a resource in any file created with the current version of the program, and optionally to select that resource in the Resource Browser.

To locate and use a resource:

  1. In the Resource Browser, select Find Resource from the Resources menu

  2. The Find Resource dialog box opens.

  3. Enter the search criteria and click Find.

  4. The Find Resource Results dialog box displays the resource name, type, and file location for all resources that match the specified search criteria. Select the resource name and click Select (or double-click the resource name). If the selected resource is in a different file, the Resource Browser temporarily displays all the resources of that type (such as Hatches) that are contained in the file. The resource you selected is highlighted.

  5. Once the resource is found, there are various ways to use it:

    To use the resource immediately, double-click it to activate it, or in the Resource Browser select Apply or Make Active (if applicable) from the Resources menu. (Alternatively, drag the resource onto an object or to a location in the current file.) If symbol folders are present in the drawing, specify the location of the imported resource.

    To import the resource for future use, select Import from the Resources menu.

    To reference the resource, select Reference from the Resources menu. If the source file is not currently referenced by this file, specify the new reference information. (See Referencing Resources.)

The resource is added to the current file’s Resource Browser.

Locating Specific Resources

Resources used in a drawing can be quickly located and selected in the Resource Browser with the Locate in Resource Browser context menu command.

To locate a resource from the drawing:

  1. Move the cursor over the resource (or object containing a resource, such as a rectangle with a hatch) to be located. Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac) and select Locate in Resource Browser from the context menu.

  2. The command name dynamically updates to reflect the resource; if the cursor is over an image, or an object with an image resource applied is selected, the command displays as Locate Image in Resource Browser. Textures applied to object parts can also be located (Renderworks required). Most resource types can be quickly located by this method, except for record formats, symbol folders, scripts, and script palettes.

  3. The Resource Browser automatically navigates to, and selects, the specific resource.


Accessing Existing Resources

Working with Resources

Identifying Duplicate Resources

Using the Resource Browser