Convert to Polygons

The Convert to Polygons command changes any object with a surface into the 2D polygon or series of polygons needed to create it.

Circles and ovals can also be converted. However, especially when converting circles, the accuracy of the polygons depends on the 2D conversion resolution setting chosen in the Vectorworks Preferences dialog box.

When most closed 3D geometry is converted to 2D polygons with the hidden line rendering option, back-facing polygons are discarded.

To convert an object to polygons:

  1. Select the object to convert.

  2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to Polygons.

  3. If the object can be rendered, select either the wireframe or hidden line rendering conversion option.

  4. Click OK.

The object is converted to a group of polygons. To select an individual polygon, first select Modify > Ungroup.

Convert Copy to Polygons

The Convert Copy to Polygons command works like the Convert to Polygons command, except that it first makes a copy of the object and then converts the copy into 2D polygons. The original object remains intact.

To convert a copy of an object to polygons:

  1. Select the object to convert.

  2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert Copy to Polygons.

  3. If the object can be rendered, select either the wireframe or hidden line rendering conversion option.

  4. Click OK.

A copy of the object is converted to a group of polygons. To select an individual polygon, first select Modify > Ungroup.

Convert to 3D Polygons

The Convert to 3D Polys command converts any 2D line or surface object, including polylines, polygons, circles, ovals, and rectangles, into a 3D polygon. Once converted, the new polygon contains a Z dimension, assigning it a place in 3D space. It can be rotated and manipulated with 3D tools. The new polygon will not, however, have a thickness.

When you convert two or more objects simultaneously, the converted objects are placed in a group.

To convert a 2D object to 3D polygons:

  1. Select the 2D object or objects to convert.

  2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to 3D Polys.

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