Land00111.pngSpecifying Existing Tree Species Information

The species information for existing trees is obtained from the Vectorworks Landmark plant database; see The Plant Database. If the plant database has not yet been opened, its default location needs to be set.

To specify botanical data from the Vectorworks plant database:

  1. If it has not yet been opened, initialize the plant database by selecting the Choose Plant Database Location command from the appropriate menu:

  2.     Designer workspace: AEC > Plants > Choose Plant Database Location

        Landmark workspace: Landmark > Choose Plant Database Location.

    The Choose Plant Database Location dialog box opens. Select the plant database location as described in Accessing the Plant Database.

    By default, all plants in the tree Category of the database are included in the Species Data dialog box for access by the Existing Tree tool. If desired, search the plant database for the trees you require, and then select the File > Create ‘Existing Tree’ List database command. This customizes the existing tree list to use only the plants found in the database search.

  3. From the Object Info palette of a selected existing tree, click Get Species Data.

  4. The Species Data dialog box opens, listing tree species information. Species can be easily added to the list.

    If the list is blank, the plant database location was not initialized.

  5. Select the species from the list, and click OK.

The Object Info palette displays the species information.


Documenting Existing Trees

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