Displaying the Debug Log

Access: Click Status from the main Server Administration screen to access the Status screen. From there, click vektorwrx from the Debug Log column.

Description: Displays the last 20 lines of information related to the ISV server from the Vectorworks Site Protection Server command window. The information consists mainly of the records of the Vectorworks clients using or returning licenses.

The Debug log must be created before it can log data. See Debug Log Setup.

Click Refresh to reload the Debug Log information. Click BACK to return to the previous screen.


In the example Debug Log shown, the following information is available.

License Files:

Displays the file path and names of license files in use

OUT: fundamentals v2017 by XXXXX

Shows when the client started using the license

IN: (client exit) fundamentals v2017 by XXXXX

Shows when the license was returned


The Debug Log

ISV Server Screens

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