Land00012.pngCreating Plant Geometry from an Existing Plant

To create plant geometry from an existing plant:

  1. Select the existing plant with geometry to convert to a new plant symbol.

  2. Select the Create New Plant command from the appropriate menu:

  3.     Designer workspace: AEC > Plants > Create New Plant

        Landmark workspace: Landmark > Create New Plant

    Alternatively, select Create Plant from Object from the plant context menu. Or, from the Resource Manager, right-click on a plant, and select Duplicate and then Edit Definition from the context menu.

    The Edit Plant Definition dialog box opens.

  4. The plant graphics and parameters, if any were added, are based on the original plant. Specify a new name and new plant definition parameters as needed, similar to creating a new definition (see Creating Plant Definitions).

  5. Click OK to create the new plant definition.


Creating Plant Geometry for the Plant Definition


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