Spot00014.pngSetting the low hook based on the load trim



Specify Selected Load Trims

Spotlight > Hoists

This command is useful when setting the height of hoists to their associated truss or hanging position loads. By specifying the bottom height of the load, the hoists, and optionally the load, automatically adjust to the correct height.

To set the low hook height of hoists assigned to a load:

1.      Switch to a side 3D view, like Left, Right, or Front, that shows the hoists and the load.

2.      Select the hoists to adjust. To also adjust the height at the bottom of the load, select the load as well.

3.      Select the command. The Enter Value dialog box opens.

4.      Specify the elevation of the bottom of the load.

The hoists are set to the adjusted Low Hook Height, while accounting for the Low Hook to Load Trim offset. If the load was also selected, its Z height (elevation) is also set.



Setting hoist heights

Selecting hoist objects


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