Land00088.pngIrrigation system warnings

As irrigation components are added to the design, the Vectorworks Landmark software verifies their connection to the irrigation network, and checks the stated catalog requirements to see if the product specifications are being met. If not, an error is generated. A warning icon appears in the drawing for the selected components with an issue, and in the Object Info palette, red text indicates the nature of the problem.


To see warning icons for more than one selected object at a time, the Unrestricted Interactive Scaling mode of the Selection tool must be enabled.

The following warnings can be generated:



Exceeds Max Catalog Flow

The object’s flow rate, either from design or calculated information, exceeds the specified maximum flow rate

Exceeds Max Catalog Pressure

The object’s pressure, either from design or calculated information, exceeds the specified maximum pressure

Exceeds Max Line Length at Pressure

The drip line is too long for the supplied pressure

Excessive Velocity

The pipe’s velocity, either from design or calculated information, exceeds the maximum velocity specified in the irrigation settings

Object Not Connected to Network

The irrigation object needs to be connected to the network

Object Not Expected on Lateral Line

An inappropriate object, such as a valve, is present on the lateral line (excludes connecting valves)

Object Not Expected on Main Line

An inappropriate object, such as an outlet, is present on the main line

Under Min Catalog Flow

The object’s flow rate, either from design or calculated information, is below the specified minimum flow rate

Under Min Catalog Pressure

The object’s pressure, either from design or calculated information, is below the specified minimum pressure

A system under development may have several warnings; if the warning icons become distracting, select AEC or Landmark > Irrigation > Hide Warning Icons. To display the icons again, select AEC or Landmark > Irrigation > Show Warning Icons.

To easily identify which irrigation system components have a warning, select AEC or Landmark > Irrigation > Select Components with Warnings.


Concept: Creating connected irrigation networks





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