Add surface




Add Surface


        Context menu

        Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A (Windows)

        Cmd+Shift+Option+A (Mac)

The Add Surface command creates a single object from two or more co-planar objects, as long as all of the following are true:

        The objects are not symbols.

        The objects touch or overlap each other.

        The objects are not locked or grouped.

Note that any open polygons will be converted to closed polygons.

To add surfaces:

1.      Select the two or more objects to be combined.

The new object’s properties are based on the object on the bottom of the stack of objects. If the bottom object is a 2D primitive (such as a rectangle or circle), the new object will have its attributes. If the bottom object is something other than a 2D primitive (such as a floor or pillar), the new object will be the same type, with the same properties. If necessary, use the Send command to stack the objects to produce the desired attributes or object type.

2.      Select Modify > Add Surface.



Editing 2D object surfaces


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