Setting the Camera Match view to match

Once the control lines are in place, Camera Match sets the view of the viewport to match.

Setting the view to match performs the following operations:

       If needed, a Renderworks background is created from the photo image and set to be used by the viewport.

       The view is set according to the control lines.

       The Camera Match reference (from the model) is anchored to the reference target location in the photo.

To set the view to match:

1.      Select the Camera Match object.

2.From the Tuning Render list in the Object Info palette, select Wireframe or Hidden Line.

The Render Mode pop-up will set the render mode for the viewport when setting views with the Camera Match object. Wireframe or Hidden Line mode is recommended for initially setting and tuning the view.

3.Click Set View to Match.

If the model is upside down after clicking Set View to Match, the green and red control lines are probably pointing to the incorrect vanishing points. The green control lines must point to the left vanishing point, and the red control lines must point to the right vanishing point.


Adjusting the Camera Match control lines and reference target

Fine tuning the Camera Match view

Camera Match


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