Land00072.pngPlacing point of connection objects


Tool set

Point of Connection



The Point of Connection tool places a Point of Connection (POC) object, which represents the source of water for the irrigation system. Normally, there is only one POC for the system. There are two types of POC: service line and custom. A service line has a known and predictable static pressure value. Custom types of POC include pumps and cisterns or other types of water sources.

To place a POC on the drawing:

1.      Click the tool.

2.Click Point of Connection on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector. Select from one of the point of connection libraries, or select a custom resource from Custom POCs.vwx and set its properties after placement.

3.Click Preferences to open the object properties dialog box and specify the tool’s default parameters.

4.Click once to place the POC. If placing the POC over an existing pipe or irrigation pipe network, the connecting pipe is highlighted and the POC is automatically connected to the network.

Adjust the location of the POC labels by dragging the label control point.


The parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette. Available parameters depend on the POC type.


Concept: Using the irrigation catalog

Concept: Creating connected irrigation networks

Adding labels to irrigation objects

Creating design zones

Irrigation system warnings

Irrigation settings


Using preformatted reports


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