When a resource or resource folder (with its contents) is deleted, all instances of the resource in the active file can be deleted completely or replaced with a locus or a different resource of the same type.
To delete a resource/resource folder:
1. From the Resource Manager’s file browser pane, select the active file.
2.Right-click on the resource/resource folder to delete, and select Delete from the context menu.
Alternatively, select the resource/folder and press the Delete key.
3.If there are any instances of a deleted resource currently in the drawing, the Delete [resource] dialog box opens. Otherwise an alert displays to confirm the deletion.
to show/hide the parameters.
Red symbols and plug-in object styles do not offer the replacement options; the instances in the drawing are converted to unstyled objects with the existing parameters. You can replace the plug-in object style of all objects that use the style by Creating custom selection scripts.
4.Click Yes.
The resource/folder is deleted and each resource instance is either deleted or replaced with the selected resource.
You can select multiple resources to delete at the same time. However, the option to replace instances of the deleted resource with a different resource is available only if all the resources selected for deletion are of the same type, such as all gradients or all record formats.