Land00074.pngCorrecting site modifier conflicts

If site modifier conflicts are detected when the site model is updated, an icon displays at the location of each issue.

The following modifier problems can generate conflicts:

       Pad which does not lie inside the grade limits

       Pad intersecting grade limits or the site border

       Two intersecting pads

       Spoil pile intersecting the site border

       Spoil pile intersecting grade limits or the site border

       Two intersecting spoil piles

       Texture bed intersecting the site border

       Two intersecting texture beds

       Locus which does not lie inside the grade limits

If these conflicts exist, the site model can still be generated and modified; however, results may not be as expected. It may be better to resolve the conflicts and update the site model again before proceeding.

When the site model object is selected, the Object Info palette’s Modifier Conflict Count field displays the number of conflicts, and an icon displays at the location of each conflict. Hold the cursor over an icon to display a SmartCursor cue that describes the conflict. Resolve the conflicts by making adjustments to prevent all intersecting modifiers.


To hide the icons from view (but not resolve the underlying conflicts), deselect Show Modifier Conflicts from the Object Info palette.

Update the site model to ensure that all conflicts have been resolved.


Validating 3D source data

Site model properties


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