Command |
Path |
Shortcut |
Organization |
Tools |
● Ctrl+Shift+O (Windows) ● Cmd+Shift+O (Mac) |
Referenced design layers and resources are either updated automatically when the target file is opened, or they are updated manually upon command. These preferences are set in either the New Reference or the Edit Reference dialog box. If the file is set to update automatically, manual updates can still be performed at any time.
Before an update, correct any broken references as described in Correcting broken references.
To update references manually:
1. Select the command.
The Organization dialog box opens.
2.From the References tab, select the master files that contain the referenced items to be updated.
To update all references in the target file, select all of the files.
3.Click Update to update the referenced items in the target file from the selected files.
● If priority updating is disabled (recommended), referenced items are always updated from the original file.
● If priority updating is enabled, referenced items are updated according to the priority order on the References tab.
For more information about priority updating, see Setting the referencing options, and Prioritizing referenced files.
4.If a referenced item is missing, the Referenced Resource not Found dialog box opens. Select an action option.
to show/hide the parameters.
5.Click OK To All to perform the same action for all missing resources. To select an action for each missing resource individually, click OK; the dialog box redisplays for each missing item.