Spot04146.pngManaging load combinations


Workspace: Path

Load Overview

Spotlight: Customize workspace to add command (see Customizing workspaces)

Braceworks: Braceworks

Load combinations serve two purposes; they can be used as a filter in the Load Overview dialog box to display and select (or exclude) specific load types. A multiplication factor can be specified for the items in the combination, increasing their importance in calculations, for safety or other reasons. Load combinations are created based on either layer or class names.

To create and specify a load combination:

Select the command.

The Load Overview dialog box opens.

Click the Load Combinations tab.

Select whether the combination will be layer- or class-based, and then click Manage.

The Manage Load Combinations dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Load Combinations

Lists existing load combinations and their descriptions


Opens the Load Combination Properties dialog box, to create a new load combination


Edits the currently selected load combination name and/or description


Deletes the currently selected load combination

Click New.

The Load Combination Properties dialog box opens.

Enter the name of the load combination and, optionally, provide a description.

Click OK to return to the Manage Load Combinations dialog box.

Click OK to return to the Load Combinations tab.

The classes or layers display in the table on the right, along with columns showing the current safety factors for each load combination.

Click the Hierarchical Display Mode button to toggle the hierarchical display of classes.

To use the load combination for filtering purposes only, leave all safety factors at 1. To change a safety factor, double-click in one of the cells of the table. (Several cells can be selected at once for editing.)

The Load Combination dialog box opens. Specify the safety factor.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Load Combination

Displays the load combination where the safety factor applies; select a different load combination for the layer or class if needed


Displays the layer or class name where the safety factor applies


Enter the safety factor.

To exclude an item, enter a safety factor of 0 (zero).

Click OK to return to the Load Combinations tab.

On the Load Summary and or Load Details tab, select the Load combination from the Calculation list.

Depending on the class or layer of the object, the weight of the object is multiplied by the specified factor for the class or layer and the selected load category.

List box functionality

Load overview

Performing load combination calculations


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