Arch02165.pngFile setup for energy analysis

To obtain successful results from Energos, the Vectorworks file must be structured to take advantage of energy analysis calculations.

A heliodon object is required. If no heliodon is present in the drawing, one is automatically inserted at the center of the current design layer when the Project Settings command is selected. The heliodon provides location and climate information that is required for the analysis. See Solar studies.

The building envelope must consist of objects with defined energy data. The Vectorworks Architect program simplifies this, since typical architectural objects like spaces, doors, windows, roofs, slabs, and walls are pre-configured with the appropriate energy data. Each object that participates in the energy analysis calculations must have Include in Calculations (or the equivalent) selected for Energos in the object’s Settings dialog box or Object Info palette. Specify any energy-specific information for the object. Other types of objects are also supported, provided they have an attached record containing relevant energy data.

Other data may be required, such as initial setup of default values for heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water systems, and so on. Depending on the level of detail required, the project can consist of general configurations, or advanced system parameters can be very specifically set. Attach system record formats to drawing objects, and specify their parameter values, to include them for selection as system sets.

The analysis allows certain layers and classes to be excluded. Structure the file with this in mind, placing objects that should participate in energy calculations, as well as those that should not, on specific layers and in specific classes.

The Project Settings define the overall parameters for energy analysis; however, each element in the drawing such as walls, slabs, roofs, windows, doors, and spaces can have individually tailored settings and can be set to be included or excluded from the calculations. As the drawing develops, this flexibility allows the impact of each building element on the energy efficiency to be determined.

The available content for energy analysis depends on your serial number. A non-US serial number uses EU data by default for new projects. You can browse all of the data at any time; the serial number only controls default display.

There are many parameters that contribute to a successful energy analysis; see Energy analysis parameter dependencies to better understand the parameter dependencies.

Advanced energy analysis

Basic energy analysis

Energos results

Energos overview


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