Spot03617.pngFormatting rope and stanchion labels

A variety of rope and stanchion object labels can be included on the drawing.

To select labels for display and format the text:

Select a rope and stanchion object. From the Object Info palette, click Text Options.

The Text Options dialog box opens.



Optional Elements to Show

Select items to add to the text labels

Include Element Labels

Includes the name of the element along with the value; deselect this option to display the parameter value only

Text Attributes


Stack Text

Separates each selected label element by placing it in its own line of text; deselect this option to create a single line for all the selected elements

Automatically Position Text

Automatically places the label with the rope and stanchion object; deselect this option to be able to reposition the label by dragging the label control point

Move Default Location To Last Stanchion

The default text location is normally the first stanchion; select this option to make the last stanchion the default location. The text is moved to the default location when clicking Default Text Positions in the Object Info palette.

Keep Text Horizontal

Maintains the text in a horizontal position even when the object is rotated; deselect this option to rotate the label along with the object

Fill Text Background

Allows a text background fill to be used for all rope and stanchion text; by default, white is used as the fill color. To specify a different fill color, click Classes in the Object Info palette, and then select a fill color for the class of the rope and stanchion text. The class should be set to Use at Creation.

Text formatting options

Specify the text size, color, and alignment

Specify the text label elements and formatting.

Once the label has been added to the drawing, it can be moved by clicking and dragging the label control point (unless Automatically Position Text is selected in the Text Options). Click Default Text Positions from the Object Info palette of a selected rope and stanchion object to restore the text label to its original location.


Creating barriers with the Rope and Stanchion tool


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