DesignSeries00229.pngImporting SketchUp



Import SketchUp

File > Import

The Import SketchUp command allows architectural drawings created in SketchUp (versions 4 through 2020) to be imported into a Vectorworks file. SketchUp component instances are imported as 3D symbols, and geometry can be designated as walls, roof faces, or floors. After importing, refine the design using Vectorworks editing tools, or replace imported 3D symbols with Vectorworks 3D symbols.

Flexible import options either allow automatic conversion of architectural elements based on their orientation, or allow geometry conversion to be mapped to specific SketchUp materials or layers.

Consider the following points when importing a SketchUp file into a Vectorworks file.

SketchUp layers are imported as classes in Vectorworks. Geometry from invisible layers in SketchUp have their class attributes set to invisible in Vectorworks.

SketchUp groups are imported as Vectorworks group objects. If the SketchUp group has a scale assigned, the imported objects inside the group will be converted with that scale.

SketchUp components are imported as Vectorworks 3D symbols except for the rare cases when they have non-linear scale, in which case they are imported as groups of converted geometry.

A component which creates an opening in a vertical face is imported as a symbol in wall, if attached to an object imported as a Vectorworks wall.

When selected, architectural objects in Vectorworks are created from SketchUp faces that are not contained in SketchUp groups of components.

The SketchUp format supports materials on the front and back of each face of an object. When importing as 3D polygons, only the front material is assigned to the imported objects, as Vectorworks only supports one material for 3D polygons. Both front and back materials are supported when importing as architectural objects.

When importing as architectural objects, faces which are not part of a group or a component instance in SketchUp will import as roofs, slabs, or floors.

Walls are unjoined upon import, and may need to be rejoined.

To import a SketchUp file:

Select the command.

Alternatively, select the file to import and drag it into an open Vectorworks file.

The Import SketchUp Model dialog box opens.

Select the file to import.

The SketchUp Import Settings dialog box opens.

Select the method for importing geometry through the options on the Import Method tab.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Import Method



Automatically imports all objects in the input file.

Meshes/3D Polygons imports all objects as meshes or 3D polygons.

Architectural Objects imports objects as Vectorworks architectural objects. Vertical faces becomes walls, horizontal faces become slabs, and oblique faces become roof faces. Vectorworks recognizes faces in the SketchUp file and determines whether they should be converted to building elements by analyzing the angle of the face relative to the horizontal plane.


Specify which materials/layers to import. All materials/layers are selected for import by default.

Import By

Select Layer to display the list of layers in the SketchUp file or Materials to display the list of materials. A check mark to the left of each layer/material indicates that it is to be imported. To omit one or more layers/materials, select the item(s) to be omitted and click to remove the check mark.

Layer/Material Import Method

Select the material/layer from the list and specify whether it should be imported as a mesh/3D polygon or as an architectural object

Click the Options tab to specify which material properties to import, whether to import geometry as mesh objects or 3D polygons, and set the parameters for architectural objects.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.





Import Materials

When selected, choose whether to assign fill colors from the imported objects according to the colors of the materials of objects.

If Layer/Material Import Method is selected, any imported architectural objects will automatically be assigned the correct properties as defined in the SketchUp file.

Import Transparency and Image Data as Renderworks Textures

Imports texture and transparency materials as Renderworks texture resources

Create Renderworks Textures for All Materials

Creates Renderworks textures for all imported materials from the input file.

Solid colors will also be imported as Renderworks textures.

Import the Geometry from the File as

Select whether to import geometry as a group of mesh objects or 3D polygons

Vectorworks Mesh Object

Imports all geometry as a group of mesh objects.

When importing as mesh objects with materials, the SketchUp faces will be triangulated; this affects the appearance of the imported file if pen color is used to display the face edges.

Vectorworks maintains the original mesh smoothing normal and texture mapping data from SketchUp. This information can be edited on the Render tab of the Object Info palette, though some of the imported rendering information may be lost during editing.

Groups of 3D Polygons

Represents all imported geometry as a group of 3D polygons.

When importing as 3D polygons, the SketchUp faces will not be triangulated except when importing complex faces with textures. SketchUp defines a complex face as a face containing either inner loops or openings cut by attached component instances or attached groups.

Preserve Texture Assignment and Mapping

If Import Materials is selected, and you are importing geometry as polygons, specify whether textures and texture mappings are applied to imported 3D polygons to preserve their overall appearance.

Import as symbol

Imports the file contents as a symbol definition in the Resource Manager; for more information, see Resource Manager and Concept: Vectorworks symbols

Architectural Objects parameters when created from automatic or layer/material assigned import method

Specify the thickness at which to create various building elements:

Wall Thickness: Set the thickness to assign to wall geometry during import; this value must be greater than zero

Floor Thickness: Set the thickness to assign to floor geometry during import

Roof Face Thickness: Set the thickness to assign to roof face geometry during import

SketchUp geometry and components are imported as specified, and are automatically selected. The Resource Manager displays the converted 3D symbols.

Items are imported at a 1:1 scale. It may be helpful to click Fit to Objects from the View bar to zoom to fit the objects in the drawing. It may also be helpful to adjust the layer scale at this time.

Editing mesh objects


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