DesignSeries00303.pngClearing metadata from the project file



Run Project Sharing Metadata Diagnostics

Tools > Utilities

Each project file has two types of metadata stored in it:

Project history (a record of user activity in the project file, including general actions, dates, and comments)

Commit list (the list of modified objects and layers committed to the project file, used for updating working files)

If there is a lot of activity in a project file, the amount of metadata can affect the performance, making checkouts and releases slow. If the amount of metadata gets too large, an alert displays when users commit changes to the project file. To improve performance, the project administrator can clear the metadata from the file.

Be aware of the following:

Working files that are out-of-date when the metadata is cleared can no longer be used.

The data in the History tab of the Project Sharing dialog box is cleared.

This action cannot be reversed with the Undo command.

To clear metadata from a project file:

As an administrative user on the project, select the command.

If there is no problem with the metadata size, an alert displays; no further action is required. Otherwise, the Project Sharing Metadata Diagnostics dialog box displays.

Ensure that all users refresh their working files to bring them up to date, and also that no users commit any further changes to the project until after the metadata is cleared.

If anyone does commit changes to the project, all other users must refresh their working files again.

Once all files are updated, click Clear Metadata, and then click Clear when prompted to confirm the action.

After the metadata is deleted, users can resume using up-to-date working files. If a user tries to open, save and commit, or refresh an out-of-date working file, an alert displays, and the file cannot be used. The user must create a new working file from the project file.


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