DesignSeries02648.pngApplying roof styles

By a variety of methods, a roof style can be selected for a roof before creating it, or styles can be applied to existing roofs. Once a roof style has been selected for a roof, the Attributes palette is no longer available for changing roof attributes; attributes are set as part of the style.

To apply a roof style prior to creating the roof:

Select the Create Roof command or the Roof Face command.

Click Style in the Create Roof or Create Roof Face dialog box to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

Alternatively, click Roof Preferences to open the Roof Preferences dialog box, and select the Roof Style.

To apply a roof style to an existing roof from the Object Info palette:

Select one or more roofs.

From the Object Info palette, select the roof Style. To apply a different (default) style, select Replace.

To apply a roof style to an existing roof from the Resource Manager:

Select one or more roofs.

From the Resource Manager, right-click on the resource and select Apply from the context menu. Alternatively, double-click on the resource or drag the resource onto the roof to apply it.

The Roof Replacement dialog box opens. The roof style selector is disabled (the style selected in the Resource Manager is applied).

A styled roof can be converted to an unstyled roof.

To remove a roof style:

Select one or more roofs to un-style.

From the Object Info palette Style list, select Convert to Unstyled Roof.

The roof is released from its style; its attributes can be edited from the Attributes palette.

Using roof styles


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