Bridging open edges of a subdivision model

The Bridge mode connects two open edges of a subdivision model. An open edge is an edge with only one adjacent face; this means that the cage mesh’s other adjacent faces have been completely deleted from the drawing using the Transform mode and the Delete key. Bridge mode can be used to reconstruct a deleted face.

Two additional modes available for Bridge mode control how the bridge is made. Connect mode adds a new face to connect the two open edges. Join mode extends one of the existing edges to meet the other.

To bridge between multiple different subdivision objects, use the Compose command to combine them into a single subdivision object (see Composing objects and surfaces), and then use Bridge mode.

Connecting two open edges



Tool set



Edit Subdivision


3D Modeling

To connect two open edges of a subdivision model:

Select the subdivision object to edit.

Click the tool and mode.

Alternatively, double-click the subdivision object with the Selection tool to select the object and automatically activate the Edit Subdivision tool.

Click Connect mode.

As you move the cursor over the cage mesh, its edges are highlighted to indicate they can be modified. Only open edges can be connected. Edges that are not open do not highlight when the cursor moves over them.

Click on a cage mesh edge to connect, and then click on the second open edge to complete the bridge.



Joining two open edges



Tool set



Edit Subdivision


3D Modeling

To join two open edges of a subdivision model:

Select the subdivision object to edit.

Click the tool and mode.

Alternatively, double-click the subdivision object with the Selection tool to select the object and automatically activate the Edit Subdivision tool.

Click Join mode.

As you move the cursor over the cage mesh, its edges are highlighted to indicate they can be modified. Only open edges can be joined. Edges that are not open do not highlight when the cursor moves over them.

Click on a cage mesh edge to join, and then click on the second open edge to complete the bridge.



Modeling subdivision objects


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