Vectorworks Site Protection Server
Vectorworks Site Protection Server overview
Vectorworks’ Site Protection software uses a server/client format to manage Vectorworks product licenses. The license administration software on the server machine manages the number of client licenses that can be used simultaneously and, when enabled, allows licenses to be borrowed (borrowing is not permitted for educational versions and in some other cases). The client selects the permitted module on the client machine when launching the Vectorworks program.
The core of the Vectorworks Site Protection Server is license management software called Reprise License Manager (RLM), made by Reprise Software, Inc. Administrative settings are accessed through a system menu in the task bar (Windows) or menu bar (Mac), or if desired, through a browser on the server machine.
The Vectorworks Site Protection Server includes the following functionality to manage the startup and usage of each instance of a Vectorworks program over an entire network:
Approves software startup on the client machine when it connects to the Vectorworks server software
Manages the license pool and can permit license borrowing, if license borrowing is enabled
Displays license usage
Logs license usage and connection information
Manages user rights, borrowed modules, borrowing limits, and more
If you are not a license administrator, proceed to Launching Vectorworks on a client machine for information on using the Vectorworks program with site protection.
In limited situations, an optional backup server machine can be configured to handle the server management duties if the main server becomes inoperable. The backup server option may not be available in your country; check with your local distributor.