Mapping missing fonts

When you open a file that contains fonts that are not available on your system, the Font Mapping dialog box opens. Map fonts from the original file to a font available on your system, or open the document quickly by automatically mapping fonts to the default replacement font.

Saved font mappings can be changed at any time from the Display pane of Vectorworks preferences.




Automatically populates when an original font is selected


Lists the default font and all available system fonts (the default font is the system font for the computer on which the program is installed)

Original Font

Lists the unavailable font used in the file

Replacement Font

Lists the font that will be used to replace the original font

New Mappings

Lists fonts in the file that have not previously been mapped; displays only when you open a file that contains unmapped fonts

All Mappings

Lists all non-system fonts regardless of whether they have been previously mapped; displays only when you open a file that contains unmapped fonts


Deletes the selected font mapping; displays only when you edit the font mapping from Vectorworks preferences

To map missing fonts when opening a file:

Populate the list of original fonts by selecting New Mappings or All Mappings.

If the default replacement font is acceptable for replacing all original fonts, click OK to map the fonts and open the document. Otherwise, proceed to step 3.

Select an original font to map, and then select the replacement font from the With list. Repeat the process until all desired original fonts have been mapped.

To change saved font mappings:

From the Display pane of Vectorworks preferences, click Edit Font Mappings.

Select the font mapping to edit, and then select a different replacement font from the With list, or click Delete to delete the mapping.

If Vectorworks preferences are deleted, the Font Mapping dialog box re-displays when you open a file that previously had the fonts mapped.


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