Arch02793.pngCreating hip and valley rafters



Roof Framer

AEC > Framing

To create hip and valley rafters:

Select the roof object.

Select the command.

The Roof Framer dialog box opens.

Click the Hips/Valleys tab, and select Create Hips and Valleys.

Specify the hip and valley rafter parameters.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Hip/Valley Size

Specifies the size of the hip and valley rafters in width x height, in current file units. Sizes can be edited by selecting Edit List (see Custom frame element sizes).

Set top of Hips and Valleys to


Top of Roof object/component

Matches the tops of the hip and valley rafters to the top of the roof object, or to the top of the component selected in Use Roof Components

Bottom of Roof object/component

Treats the roof object as a roof deck and matches the tops of the hip and valley rafters to the bottom of the roof, or to the bottom of the component selected in Use Roof Components


To control appearance and visibility, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing or create a new class (see Creating classes)


Edits class attributes

Object Attributes

Specifies the hip and valley rafter attributes


Setting class properties

Framing a roof

Custom frame element sizes


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