DesignSeries05135.pngDisplaying 3D objects by class in section viewports

The display and pen attributes can be defined for 3D objects by class to override the section viewport’s settings for objects/hidden objects before and beyond the cut plane. These settings by class apply only to the current viewport and do not affect the appearance of the model itself or of other viewports in the drawing.

To control 3D objects’ display and pen attributes by class:

In the Create Section Viewport/Create Horizontal Section Viewport dialog box or in the Object Info palette or Properties dialog box of a selected viewport, click to display the extents on the desired side of the cut plane.

Click the appropriate Object Display or Hidden Object Display button.

Hidden object display settings prescribe how objects that are obstructed by other objects display in the viewport.

The Object Display by Class or Hidden Object Display by Class dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Search box

Enter text to filter the list by name

Filter list

Select a filter for the list

Manage Filters

Opens a dialog box to add, edit, delete, or import filters for the class list; see Filtering and tagging classes and layers

Class list

Displays all the classes in the document with their display and pen attributes. Select one or more classes to edit.


Opens the Object Display or Hidden Object Display dialog box; see Object/hidden object display and pen attributes in section viewports 


Opens the Import Attributes dialog box, to import the attribute settings from another viewport in the same file to the selected classes. Select the viewport from which to import attributes, and then select either Selected Classes(es) to match class names and import from the classes with the same names to the currently selected classes, or Specify Class to import the attributes from a single specified class to all the currently selected classes.

The Document option in the Import Attributes dialog box does not apply.

The Eyedropper tool can also transfer class override attributes between viewports.


Preview the new settings in the viewport

Select one or more classes to assign the same display and attributes settings, and do one of the following:

If there are many classes in the file, use the filter capability to locate the needed classes.

To set the attributes directly, click Edit, or double-click the selected classes, and set the parameters in the Object Display or Hidden Object Display dialog box.

To import class attributes from another viewport in the file, click Import, and select the viewport.

The settings are applied to the selected classes.

Displaying 3D objects in section viewports

Pen attributes


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