DesignSeries05119.pngSection line instances

Section line instances associated with a vertical section viewport can be added to or deleted from design layers or viewport annotations. In addition, the Section Line Instances dialog box provides an easy way to navigate from a section viewport to its associated section lines.

To add or delete section line instances or navigate to a section line:

Select the section viewport whose section line you want to navigate to or edit.

Click Section Line Instances from the Object Info palette.

The Section Line Instances dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Displays the name of the selected section viewport

Design Layers tab/Viewports tab

Displays the names of all design layers in the file (Design Layers tab) and all sheet layer viewports in the file (Viewports tab). Each item that contains a section line associated with the selected section viewport has a check mark in the column next to it. Click the column to add or remove section lines as needed.

Deleting all section line instances does not delete the section viewport, and new instances can be created at any time. However, deleting a section viewport deletes all section line instances.


Navigates to the section line instance when an item with a check mark is selected; alternatively, double-click the item to navigate to the section line instance.

To return from a section line instance to the associated section viewport, click Navigate to Section Viewport from the Object Info palette of a selected section line.

Creating a vertical section viewport

Viewport properties

Modifying viewports

Viewport status

Updating viewports 


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