LandmarkSpecifying existing tree species information

The species information for existing trees is selected from a plant catalog. The list of trees can be edited.

The plant catalog file is the Existing Trees.txt file located in the user folder. It can be customized from the plant database; see Creating plant catalogs from the database.

To specify existing tree species and select a species:

From the Object Info palette of a selected existing tree, click Get Species Data.

The Species Data dialog box opens, listing tree species information. Species can be easily added to the list.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Species list

Lists the botanical and common names of the trees contained in the existing tree catalog; click either heading to sort. Black text indicates species from the plant catalog; blue text indicates species that you have added to the list.

Botanical Name/Common Name

Displays the botanical and common name of the selected tree; to add a tree to the list, enter its botanical information and click Add Tree to Existing Tree List

Remove Tree from Existing Tree List

Removes the selected custom (blue text) tree species from the list. Black text indicates default species, which cannot be removed from the existing tree catalog.

Add Tree to Existing Tree List

Adds the current Botanical Name and Common Name to the list. Edit a default entry if needed, or add a new species to the list. Custom (added or edited) species display with blue text.

Select the species from the list, and click OK.

The Object Info palette displays the species information.

Documenting existing trees


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