Architect or LandmarkCreating an aligned site modifier



Tool set



Site Modifiers


Site Planning

An aligned modifier defines a surface based on surrounding surfaces and modifiers, matching their elevation. The aligned modifier aligns with certain geometry, including adjacent roadways, hardscapes, massing models, 3D polygons, landscape areas, walls, and planar pad or pad with retaining edge site modifiers. Aligned modifiers can be complex, non-planar closed shapes that can also be modified with vertical profiles, stake objects, and grade objects. They are similar to an aligned hardscape object. See Aligning hardscapes or modifiers with existing geometry for more information.

The modifier can be applied to the existing or proposed site model; the site model is modified when the site model is updated. Draw an aligned modifier with the Site Modifiers tool, or draw a polyline and then select the Create Objects from Shapes command to change it to an aligned modifier (see Creating objects from shapes).

To create an aligned modifier:

Click the tool and mode. Specify the elevation from the Tool bar if desired.

Select the polyline creation mode; see Polyline tool.

Ensure that Snap to Object is selected in the Snapping set on the Status bar.

Click to set the modifier object’s start point.

Click to set the end of the segment and the beginning of the next. Continue drawing segments in this manner until the object is complete, tracing along the edges of valid objects that the modifier should align to; valid alignment objects are highlighted as you draw. The modifier's edge aligns with the adjacent objects.

Return to the start point, or simply double-click to finish creating the object.

Normally, create grade limits around the modifier. The parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Simplification Tolerance

Enter a positive value to redefine the horizontal distance between the closest parts of two neighboring portions of the modifier. A longer distance simplifies the modifier polygon, reducing the number of source points that modify the site model. A shorter distance increases the number of source points that modify the site model. A value of 0 (zero) does not simplify the modifier.

Modifier Vertex Count

Displays the number of vertices created by the site modifier to modify the site model

Apply To

Specifies whether the site modifier applies to the existing or proposed site model

Update Site Model

Updates the site model with any site model modifications that have occurred.

If the update causes the site model contours to fall outside the minimum/maximum elevation range specified in the site model settings, an alert displays, allowing the range to be adjusted.


Indicates the type of modifier object

Show the surface in  3D

In 3D views, represents the modifier with a 3D mesh. This is convenient when working with a modifier independently of a site model, or when it's helpful to view the site modifier on the surface of the site model in 3D views. Deselect the option to view only the effects of the modifier on the site model.

Vertical sides for inner modifiers

(closed pad modifiers only)

Determines whether inner modifiers create a transitional surface (when deselected) or a vertical retaining edge (when selected)

Vertical sides for inner modifiers deselected (on the left) and selected (on the right)




If changes occurred to an adjacent object, resets the affected vertex elevations

Align with Objects on

Selects the objects to align to, based on location of the objects. This offers flexible control over the alignment.

All Layers: Aligns the modifier with geometry from any layer in the file

Visible Layers only: Aligns the modifier with modifiers from visible layers only; geometry on invisible layers does not affect the modifier

Same Layer as Modifier: Aligns the modifier with geometry that exists only on the same layer

Select Layers: Opens the Select Layers dialog box, to choose which layers with geometry can affect the modifier alignment. Click in the Use column to select a layer. To create a new design layer, click New Layer; specify the name for the new layer, and click OK.  

Custom Set of Layers:  Opens the Select Layers dialog box, to select or to modify the selected layers.

 Interpolate surface

Increases the level of detail of the surface created by the profiles and modifiers

Smoothness Sampling

Enter the sampling rate (0 – 100); higher values add vertices and increase the smoothness of the surface created by the profiles and modifiers


Specifies the modifier elevation (does not apply to the aligned edges)




Scrolls through the profiles, highlighting the selected one; click the center button to highlight the current profile


Displays the name of the currently selected profile

Profile Line Class

Select <Site Modifier Class> to place the profile in the same class as the modifier; select a class, or create a new class, to control profile line appearance and visibility.

Show profile lines

Toggles the display of all profile line parameters (name, slope, elevation, and markers)

Show profile names

Toggles the display of all profile names

Show slopes

Toggles the display of all slope values

Show vertex elevation

Toggles the display of all vertex elevations

Show profile line markers

Toggles the display of all profile markers

Add Profile

Adds a profile line for modifying the surface

Edit Profile

Enters editing mode for the selected profile, for Editing aligned hardscapes or modifiers with profile lines

Reverse Direction

Reverses the direction of the profile line section

Profile Line Marker Style

Opens the Set Marker Style dialog box, to select the profile marker type at each end of the profile line; markers can be the same (Match Beginning) or different (Differentiate) at each end of the section line

Delete Profile

Deletes the selected profile

Surface Modifiers

Modifies the surface of the modifier with stake and grade objects

Show Stake Objects

After modifying the modifier with stake objects, displays the stake objects

Show Grade Objects

After modifying the modifier with grade objects, displays the grade objects

Edit Surface Modifiers

Click for Editing aligned hardscapes or modifiers with surface modifiers



Update Calculations

Updates the area and volume calculations displayed in the Object Info palette for the area of the site model located under the site modifier (grade limits must exist around the modifier)

Site model area and volume data

Displays the area and volume information for the site model area located under the site modifier; select the units for the area and volume (grade limits must exist around the modifier). For more information, see Site model properties.

Vertex parameters

Edits the path vertices; see Editing vertex-based objects


Select the vertex, and then edit its X/Y value


For vertex selection made in Move, scrolls through the vertices, highlighting the currently selected vertex. Click the center button to highlight the selected vertex.

To reflect the modification, click Update Site Model from the Object Info palette.

Aligning hardscapes or modifiers with existing geometry

Editing aligned hardscapes or modifiers with surface modifiers

Editing aligned hardscapes or modifiers with profile lines

Concept: Site model modification


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