Spot04096.pngModifying truss symbol data



Customize Truss Symbol Data

Context menu

To create a custom truss, advanced users can edit a truss symbol’s default data. The truss symbol definition is updated, affecting the current symbol instances and future symbol placement.

Changing the default manufacturer data is generally not recommended.

To modify the truss symbol data:

Select a truss symbol instance in the drawing, and select the command. Multi-selection does not apply.

The Truss Properties dialog box opens for Setting custom truss parameters.

Edit the data as needed.

An alert opens if the edits will change any truss geometry in the drawing. Click Yes to confirm the changes. Click No to restore the previous data specifications.

The truss symbol definition is updated. 

Concept: Vectorworks symbols

Diseño del sistema de objetos de montaje

Creación de símbolos de trus personalizados

Specifying cross section data

Cómo conectar objetos de montaje

Concepto: cómo diseñar un sistema de objetos de montaje conectados


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