Mapping layer and class names

Prior to import and export operations, map the DXF/DWG or DWF layers to Vectorworks classes or layers as desired. Use AIA standard layer names, or create a custom set of names. Save custom mapping sets for specific clients for easier file import and export.

When multiple classes are exported into a single layer through mapping, the objects maintain their original attributes by having their attributes set to object instead of set to class.

Managing mapping sets and standards

To manage mapping sets and standards:

Access the mapping dialog box during either import or export operations, as follows:

From the DXF/DWG Import Options (or DWF Import Options) dialog box, click Advanced. From the Advanced DXF/DWG Import Options (or Advanced DWF Import Options) dialog box, open the Classes/Layers pane, and click Manage under the Classes/Layers heading.

From the DXF/DWG Export Options (or DWF Export Options) dialog box, click Manage under the Class/Layer Mapping heading.

The Import (or Export) Layer Mapping dialog box opens. The import and export settings are slightly different.

From the Mapping sets tab, map the DXF/DWG or DWF layers to Vectorworks classes or layers. Select the Mapping Set to edit. The list of mapping pairs displays all items to be mapped from the file. To map an item, select it and then do one of the following:

To use a standard name, select a Standard, and then select a standard name from the pull-down list of class/layer names below the pairs list.

To enter a custom name, click in the second column of the pairs list and enter the desired name. Alternatively, click Edit, and enter a custom class/layer name in the Edit Mapping dialog box.

When finished mapping, click Save and name the mapping set.

Click to show/hide parameters.Click to show/hide parameters.



Mapping Set


Mapping set list

Select an existing mapping set to edit, or select <None> to create a new set


Opens a dialog box to locate and load a mapping set from a custom location.

If you load a layer or class mapping file that was created with the Class and Layer Mapping command (Vectorworks Architect or Landmark required), the file is automatically converted to a different format. Save the file as a mapping set from here to use it for DXF/DWG or DWF import or export. (See Mapping classes and layers for details.)


Opens a dialog box to name and save the current mapping set. Specify either .xml or .txt format.

To make the set automatically available in the mapping dialog boxes for yourself or for a workgroup, save the file in your user or workgroup folder in the following folder structure:

[User or Workgroup]\Libraries\Defaults\DWG_DXF\Mappings

If desired, you can save the set to a custom location, and use the Load button to access it.




Select an existing standard to use for mapping, or select <None> to create a mapping with no standard. You can switch between standards to complete the mapping, if necessary.


Opens a dialog box to locate and load a standard from a custom location

Mapping list

Lists the current mapping pairs. Unmapped items are shown as <Unchanged>. Green items have been edited but have not been saved. Click a column header to change the sort field and sort order.


Opens the Edit Mapping dialog box to change the selected mapping pair. Enter a custom name, or select a name from the current standard list.

Vectorworks Class (on import)


DXF/DWG or DWF Layer (on export)

Select a name from the current standard list

Show only Layers from the current DXF/DWG document (on import)


Show only Classes/Layers from the current Vectorworks document (on export)

This can be useful if the mapping set contains a lot of pairs that aren’t in the file you’re importing or exporting. Shows only pairs that correspond to the current file.

Click the Standards tab to create or edit standards files. Select a standards list and add, edit, or remove names as needed. When finished editing, click Save and name the set of standards.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.





Standards list

Select <None> to create a new standard, or select an existing standard to edit


Opens a dialog box to locate and load a standard from a custom location


Opens a dialog box to name and save the current standards list. Specify either .xml or .txt format.

To make the standard automatically available in the mapping dialog boxes for yourself or for a workgroup, save the file in your user or workgroup folder in the following folder structure:

[User or Workgroup]\Libraries\Defaults\DWG_DXF\Standards

If desired, you can save the list to a custom location, and use the Load button to access it.

Edit Standard


Names In Standard list

Lists all names currently defined in the selected standard


Opens a dialog box to enter a new name for the list


Opens a dialog box to change the selected standard name


Removes the selected name from the list

Show also layers from the current DXF/DWG document (on import)


Show also classes/layers from the current Vectorworks document (on export)

Adds layer or class names from the file you’re importing or exporting to the standard list

Click the Manage tab to manage saved mapping sets or standards. Select which type of files to manage; the files you have edited are listed. Select a name from the list, and then click the appropriate button.

Rename: Enter a new name for the file. If the entered name is already assigned to another file in the same folder, you’re prompted to confirm that you want to replace the existing file.

Delete: When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the selected file.

Files in a workgroup folder or in the application folder cannot be renamed or deleted.

Creating mapping sets and standards files manually

You can create text (.txt) files to use for mapping sets and standards using any text editor.

For a standards file, simply place each standard name on a separate line.

For a mapping set file, the first line is a header row that doesn’t contain any mapping pairs, but it must include a tab. For example, you might put a description, followed by a tab, followed by the date on this line. Directly below that, place each mapping pair on a separate line. The first member of each pair is the Vectorworks class or layer name, followed by a tab, followed by the DXF/DWG or DWF layer name.

Opciones de exportación de archivos DXF/DWG y DWF

Sharing custom content using workgroup folders


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