Preparing to export

The following procedures are recommended to help ensure a satisfactory translation.

Export behaves differently based on whether design layers or sheet layers are selected for export.

If one or more sheets are selected for export, a paper space layout is exported for each sheet with the sheet objects; any design layers visible in sheet layer viewports are exported to model space. (Sheets that do not share design layers should usually be exported to separate files.) Other sheet layers and unreferenced design layers are omitted from export.

If only design layers are selected for export, the design layers are exported to model space and all sheet layers are omitted. If the design layers are exported to a single file, only the visible layers are exported; if the layers are exported to separate files, all layers are exported.

AutoCAD does not have multiple model spaces. If the sheet layer being exported has multiple viewports at different scales, the model space may have overlapping objects from the design layers, and the scale will be set to 1:1 instead of the expected design layer scale(s). To avoid this problem, set the scale the same for all design layers, and make sure that no objects overlap. Then, adjust the viewport scales. The scale of the first viewport on the sheet will export to 1:1; select the viewport with the desired scale and select Modify > Send > Send to Back

Do not export design layers in perspective, as they will not be in perspective in the DXF/DWG file. Instead, create a sheet layer with a viewport set to perspective view.

If exporting files which contain transparent PNG images, try exporting in DXF/DWG format instead of DWF format for best results.

For DXF/DWG versions earlier than 14, object fills will not export. To better approximate the appearance of the exported file for these versions, remove all fills in a copy of the file before export. This will help identify lines under solid fills that need to be deleted or trimmed when the solid fill is removed.

DXF/DWG versions 14 and later support associative boundary hatches, or “bhatches.” Therefore, fills, solid fills, and hatches can be exported as follows.

Vectorworks entity

DXF/DWG entity

Associative hatch definition

Select Export Hatches to create a bhatch definition; also select Export Hatch Pattern Files to export a hatch pattern file (.pat) along with the DXF/DWG file

Hatch with multiple colors or with background fill

Select Export Hatches to create multiple bhatch definitions; also select Export Hatch Pattern Files to export multiple hatch pattern files (.pat) along with the DXF/DWG file

Filled polygon with three or four sides, with the fill color different from the background color

Select Export 2D Fills to create a “solid” entity

Object with a solid fill (color different from background color) or hatch

Select Export 2D Fills to create an object with associated bhatch

Object with a solid fill (color same as background color)

Select Export 2D Fills to create one of the following:

Wipeout entity (AC2000 and later)

No fill (AC14 and earlier)

Light gray bhatch (AC14)

Filled polyline with one or more holes

Select Export 2D Fills or Export Hatches (depending on the Vectorworks fill) to create multiple objects and an associated bhatch definition with island detection

Set the class and layer visibility appropriately. If Vectorworks layers are exported as DXF/DWG layers, objects in invisible classes will not be exported, and vice versa. To preview what will be exported, set classes to Show/Snap/Modify Others and layers to Show Others.

DXF/DWG does not support hybrid objects. If only design layers are being exported, set the view for each design layer so the appropriate 2D or 3D components are exported. From Plan view, the 2D component of a hybrid symbol is exported; from Top view or any 3D view, the 3D component is exported. To preserve the 3D object coordinates, use Top view to export all 3D design layers (or use viewports to show other views, and export the sheets containing those viewports). Ensure that the option Export as Flattened 2D Graphics is not selected if you want to export 3D coordinates.

Symbols, plug-in objects, and layer links export as named blocks in DXF/DWG. Groups can be exported as either named blocks or anonymous blocks.

The name that these items receive depends on the view that is in effect upon export. As an example, the symbol “Widget” would receive the following names, depending on the view:

Symbol type and view

Exported block name

Hybrid symbol in Plan view

Widget (2D)

Hybrid symbol in 3D view

Widget (3D)

Non-hybrid symbol


The assigned layer link depends on whether Project 2D is selected for the layer link.

Layer link option

Exported block name

Layer link in plan view with Project 2D option selected

Layer-1 (2D)

All other layer links

Layer-1 (3D)

To check the item names, re-import an exported file into a Vectorworks file.

Check the drawing with both black and white backgrounds. If the Vectorworks file has a white background and uses a dark (but not black) color to draw objects, then others who look at the exported file with a black background may not be able to see the objects.

Set the 2D and 3D conversion resolutions (in the Vectorworks preferences) to a low value if file size is a concern. Higher resolutions result in larger exported file sizes. Lower resolutions decrease file sizes, but can result in blockiness, especially when exporting to earlier versions of DXF/DWG.

Procedimiento de exportación de archivos DXF/DWG y DWF

Opciones de exportación de archivos DXF/DWG y DWF

Formatos de archivo DXF/DWG y DWF

Mapping layer and class names


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